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Earnings quality in listed family firms. Theory and evidence

Riferimento: 9791221815665

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
Autore: Frisenna Claudia
Pagine: 164
Formato: Libro in brossura
Data pubblicazione: 30 Ottobre 2024
EAN: 9791221815665
Disponibile subito
15,00 €
IVA inclusa


This book analyzes the topic of earnings quality within the context of listed family firms. In particular, the book develops a theoretical framework to examine the het- erogeneity of family firms, identifying the factors that may influence earnings quality. It highlights potential red flags that could signal entrenchment risks and green flags that may signal a greater focus on the family firm's reputation, offering insights for researchers, managers, and auditors into the quality of financial reporting in fam- ily firms. The framework is applied through an empirical analysis of a sample of Ital- ian listed firms.