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Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni. The unmanned. Ediz. illustrata

Riferimento: 9788867495603

Editore: Mousse Magazine & Publishing
In commercio dal: 01 Gennaio 2022
Pagine: 370 p., Libro rilegato
EAN: 9788867495603
55,00 €
IVA inclusa
Non disponibile


Published on the occasion of the exhibition The Everted Capital (Katabasis), by Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni, held in 2022 at Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain this book gathers all episodes and seasons composing The Unmanned. Developed starting from 2013, The Unmanned is a large-scale project made up of three seasons: The Unmanned, The Everted Capital and The Form of Not. This series presents a history of human subjectivity in its imbrication with technology. Together with synopsis for each film part of The Unmanned, the book gathers a conversation and essays by Fabien Giraud, Anna Longo, Mihnea Mircan, Patricia Reed, Raphaël Siboni, Anne Stenne, and Olivier Surel.