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Knots. Ediz. multilingue. Vol. 1: Milano

Riferimento: 9788867496709

Editore: Mousse Magazine & Publishing
In commercio dal: 25 Gennaio 2025
Pagine: 292 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788867496709
30,00 €
IVA inclusa
Disp. in 1/2 gg lavorativi


How are city transformations to be read? How are we to interpret the incessant metamorphosis of places and social relationships that has characterized urban contexts since their inception? These questions drive Knots, a collaborative research project by the Politecnico di Milano's Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) and Prospekt, a photojournalism agency dedicated to chronicling urban issues worldwide. By reshaping how we question urban transformations, Knots seeks to uncover overlooked dimensions of change, particularly in Milan's Scali. Showcasing outcomes from interdisciplinary workshops, the book highlights the value of crossing disciplinary boundaries to spark critical yet grounded discussions on the ways cities and their social fabrics evolve. Texts by Steve Bisson, Francesca Governa, Francesco Infussi, Laura Montedoro, Gabriele Pasqui, Samuele Pellecchia, and Stefano Raimondi. Fotografie / Photographs: George Georgiou Francesco Giusti Laura Liverani Francesco Merlini, Samuele Pellecchia, Vanessa Winship