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Occult science

Riferimento: 9791255361855

Editore: Alemar
Autore: Steiner Rudolf
In commercio dal: 12 Ottobre 2022
Formato: Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791255361855
13,99 €
IVA inclusa
Non disponibile


- This edition is unique; - The translation is completely original and was carried out for the Ale. Mar. SAS; - All rights reserved. Occult Science is one of the fundamental works of Rudolf Steiner, one of the greatest 'spiritual' critics of modern materialism. In it, he emphasises how the conquest of the world by Science has come at the expense of intuition and imagination: all that is hidden behind the physical universe has been lost and thought is driven to wander. behind the physical universe has been lost and thought is driven to wander in search of more stable supports than those provided by official 'science'. The 'spiritual' reality of the world has been rejected as superfluous, but man is able to recover the lost knowledge of the Spirit with a supreme effort of will.