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Metropolitan cities. A new hope

Riferimento: 9791259940599

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
Autore: Canessa Nicola Valentino
In commercio dal: 15 Aprile 2021
Pagine: 124 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791259940599
12,00 €
IVA inclusa
Non disponibile


The book attempts to interweave the evolution of European and national rules and regulations with the analysis of the main projects of transformation and territorial investigation over the last twenty years, in order to construct a scheme that is able to show the correlations and exchanges between the regulatory systems and those linked to the change of scale of urban and territorial investigation. Focusing the theme on the figure of the European Metropolitan Areas (or Metropolitan Cities), we want to show how this subject, born as a new territorial container, can have the potential to be not only a new political-administrative element, but a new opportunity for development and territorial planning, for new integrated urban systems.