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Text-Image Theory. Comparative Semiotic Studies on Chinese Traditional Literature and Arts

Riferimento: 9791259940087

Editore: Aracne (Genzano di Roma)
Autore: Zhao Xianzhang
In commercio dal: 30 Settembre 2021
Pagine: 288 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791259940087
22,00 €
IVA inclusa
Non disponibile


The relationship between literature and images has existed since ancient times, but the coming of the image age has changed it significantly. With the support of technology, images are now arrogating the territory of language with unprecedented strength. Through the discussion of the relationship between literature and images, this book aims to inquire into the iconic links between language and the visual. Based on the experience of ancient Chinese literature and art, it draws lessons from modern western theories and methods, intending to use the latter to activate the former and construct an intellectual Esperanto for Sino-Western exchanges.