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Best hikes in Sardinia. The most spetacular treks (The)

Riferimento: 9788889545997

Editore: Imago
Collana: Illustrati
In commercio dal: 04 Dicembre 2024
Pagine: 128 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788889545997
18,00 €
IVA inclusa
Disp. in 1/2 gg lavorativi


A guide to the most spectacular hiking routes in Sardinia: from the coastal itineraries, that crossing wild cliffs reach the beaches of the Gulf of Orosei and the west coast, to the innermost and more difficult routes, among mountains and solitary valleys that preserve the flavour of the ancient pastoral world and traditions, among natural monuments and unforgettable archaeological si¬tes. A guide for the novice, who will find maps and detailed de¬scriptions of each itinerary enriched by high-resolution images, but also a guide for the expert hiker who wants to keep fresh the memory of wonderful excursions in a pristine Sardinia. Hiking itineraries in a unique natural environment, among oases, nature reserves and areas of great landscape, fauna and botanical interest, some of the most important in the Mediterranean. Off the beaten track but in the heart of the most unspoiled Sardinia.